Smile Perfection.HDC was founded in 2013 and is one of the first companies to deal with health and beauty services, accompanying materials, and parapharmaceuticals. Since then, it has succeeded in occupying a leading position in this field in Greece, especially in what serves the medical & dental wellness. Smile Perfection.HDC is known throughout Greece for the diversity of its activities, the excellent quality of its services and products, as well as the innovative design of the circular feedback product-service-product=person in well-being.
Our goal ...
...ήταν και είναι ο επιβεβλημένος πια επαναπροσδιορισμός και η ριζική αναβάθμιση της παροχής οδοντιατρικών και συμπληρωματικών ιατρικών υπηρεσιών, η βελτίωση της ανθρώπινης καθημερινότητας στους τομείς της ψυχοσωματικής υγείας και η συμβολή μας στην αύξηση του προσδόκιμου ζωής με συνθήκες ευεξίας.
Ως κορυφαία εταιρεία, αξιοποιούμε καινοτόμα επιστημονικά δεδομένα και ψηφιακές τεχνολογίες, για την ανάπτυξη πρωτοποριακών θεραπειών και σκευασμάτων που κάνουν τη διαφορά σε τομείς, όπου υπάρχει μεγάλη οδοντιατρική - ιατρική ανάγκη. Με στόχο τη διαρκή προσπάθεια για βελτίωση των πρωτοκόλλων κατατασσόμαστε σταθερά μεταξύ των εταιρειών με το μεγαλύτερο επενδυτικό ενδιαφέρον σε όλα τα project της.
Our vision is...
..the development of a participatory network of Dental+bio Box model units and The Smiloneers Wellness Boutique stores in Greece, Europe and the Middle East.
Our main difference is our operation in 7 different and at the same time complementary dimensions of service.
1. The strict selection of dental / cosmetic medical materials and equipment, with which we supply the exclusively authorized Standard Dental Preventive Rehabilitation and Bioesthetics Units with the distinctive title Dental+bio Box.
2. The staffing of the Dental+bio Box Standard Units with specialists and the training of the associate doctors with a program of seminars on the protocols of all the treatments provided.
3. The Smiloneers program, where all its members are served in the Model Units and enjoy a high level of Dental and Bioesthetics treatments at truly preferential prices and ensure their therapeutic results, through regular re-checks annually.
4. The under development design of the physical stores The Smiloneers Wellness Boutique with a simultaneous online presence of online shopping, but also with a physical presence in the Dental+bio Box, offers cosmetics for both oral hygiene and facial beauty as well as nutritional supplements /paramedicine for everyday well-being. The difference lies in the ecological and biological direction of these products, which are either Galenic preparations of Smile Perfection.HDC, or domestic and imported products of other companies of the same philosophy.
5. The Dental+bio Box network under development throughout Greece.
6. The planning of wellness tourism with the cooperation of accommodation, transport, communication, sightseeing and entertainment providers.
7. The Greek Wellness Club "The Smiloneers", where Club members enjoy privileges at many levels of service such as scientific continuing education seminars, participation in events and activities, in order to stabilize well-being and consolidate psychosomatic health.
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